Abbreviation for ‘do not sexualise’ - used when you don’t want people to comment on you sexually or objectifying, or view you in that way
I am 16 so please d n s (or dns)
The Roblox game with horror monsters chasing you, ready to slaughter you.
Short/convinent for social media *platforms so they will not remove the content* form for ~S3lf-harm~. Usually used in online chats and social media platforms.
Alex: Hei, do you know whats wrong with Sabrina?
Andrew: She doesn’t feel good, she s/h ed because of depression.
Alex: Im so sorry for her, is she all right?
Andrew: Dk, I didn’t talk to her since yesterday, she texted me a shady message that she will s/h , i hope she’s ok, if she dosent respond in 1 hour i’ll call her parents:(
Abbreviation for She/Her
can also be s/h/h (she/her/hers)