A Pen Where You Keep Your Bros
I have a bro in the bro pen if you wanna do bro things.
No I do not have to cede the discourse to someone who has a ✌️✊️✌️desirable✌️✊️✌️ outcome so they can sit there and MAKE SOME SHIT UP to make themselves SOUND good (regardless of the truth of their propositions). Get the fuck out of here with that.
A retard "Listen to people who have the outcome, bro"
Hym "Nah, you go fuck yourself with that. You know damn well your ass is just going to lie about anything that makes YOUR SUCCESS (either) look trivial OR as though there are external factors that exist outside of your control that are the direct result of your success. You're SURE AS HELL going to lie if anything makes your wife look like a disreputable slut. Anything that doesn't lend credence to the proposition that your are an extra special guy who's uniquely deserving of your outcome will be dismissed, mocked, or denied. So, no. Fuck you. I don't have to sit there and let a motherfucker lie."
bro tagged the whole bloodline 💀
Pretentious and uneducated young men who believe in shadow government instead of the real government, conspiracy archeology, and every guest Joe Rogan ever had on his podcast. Will not shut up about their one shroom trip. Not as dedicated to drugs as a Wook but not far from. A tinfoil hatter without the charm.
“This backward hat college kid keeps trying to tell me this photo of a crater is proof of giants, this education system only makes truth bros I swear.”
a fake bro is a bro who breaks the to vide repeatedly for example telling ur girl ur cheating or getting with ur bros ex
ps fuck you azalea
damn u a fake bro how could u tell her I was cheating
A business-friendly way to communicate the need for a client to calm the Eff Down and be patient for the work at hand to be completed.
That dude kept cutting to the front of the line and demanding to see the manager and have his issues resolved NOW so we had to issue a Professional Bro Chill
the bro phrase :skull: is similar to AYO!?!? but it has to be with situations and sussy things, like some person does a very weird thing that later someone says bro what did person do :skull: