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The 4 d rule

The 4d rule is a rule imposed on exchange students in the United States by their exchange association. It prohibits students from driving, drinking alcohol, using drugs, and dating American partners (banging yankee blondes and brunettes)

The tacit rule popular among exchange students is to break these rules as quickly as possible without being caught by their host family.

Hey bro if I bang Taylor tonight at the prom after party at Danielle's house it would have only taken me two weeks to break the 4 d rule!

Can you pass me the bang ??


The Golden Rule

If there’s a hole there’s a goal

Some guy: I don’t know if I should go for that person, they’re pretty weird
Some dude named Elijah: Well, if there’s a hole there’s a goal, that’s the golden rule after all!

by Gregory McGraw December 19, 2023

The Golden Rule

Your willingness to forgo this for the purpose of hoisting me by my own petard demonstrates that hoisting people with there own petard is higher on your conceptual value hierarchy than The Golden Rule.

Hym "This is (once again) does little more than prove me right. See, look:

You are here


What you're doing



Golden rule
See how that works? That☝️ is what you're doing right now. Why? Because you know that The Golden Rule leads almost exclusively to being exploited by people who aren't willing to reciprocate. Which is the entire impetus behind the creation of The Platinum Rule. And you're doing it. See? This 👇

Petard hoisting



Golden rule
That's how you 'Act' in spite of your ethical propositional framework. Do you believe in the Golden rule? 'Well, I act like I believe in the golden rule (and then I do this 👉 Petard hoistery



Not petard hoistery)'
That's you. That's a diagram of you and how you 'act.' "

by Hym Iam August 9, 2022

Hudson rule

Also known as the Hudson principle. Permits intimate relationships of a two-year age gap max, limited to sophomore-senior and junior-(college) freshman pairings.

"Yo, your girl is still in high school?"
"Yeah, she's a senior at my old high school."
"I mean, yeah, but we're freshmen man."
"Dude, Hudson rule."

by bucknuggets January 17, 2025

Revenge Rule

When a commissioner in fantasy football make up a rule in the season to make sure a certain nigga is booked.

That trade is denied because the player name starts with a C. Revenge rule

by Dr. Fauci 2022 October 4, 2022

Ja rule

Of all the artists that pretended to be his best friend in the late 90's and early 2000's, not one of them came to his defense when the 600 pound gorilla 50 cent started to bully him. Not Jasper-Z, not DMX the bring it to the yard dude, none of those guys were going to stand up to 50 cent, it was almost like they enjoyed seeing Ja Rule spiral downward, it was like they ordered popcorn for the show. You wouldn't really want guys like DMX or Jay-Z by your side if 50 cent walked in to the bar ready to fight somebody in real life if their real life behavior is anything like what they do with their "friend" in the music industry.

Ja rule is the kind of guy nobody who knew him remembers now, and if they weren't alive or were young (single digit years) around the millenium, they most likely never even heard of the guy. He had about five minutes if that much in the spotlight then nobody heard from him since.

by The Original Agahnim December 3, 2021

Ja Rule

A guy that most people would think of as bad publicity or a way to lose money if seen with him these days. A guy most artists that made songs with him in the late 90's early 2000's would no longer sit with at the cool "grown" kids status table.

If Ja Rule was at a bar with Jay Z and DMX and 50 cent walked in, not only would he have to give his seat up to 50 cent, but Jay Z and DMX would help 50 cent drag their "friend" Ja Rule out of the bar.

by The Original Agahnim December 3, 2021