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rim job

licking someone else's asshole.
aka the most disgusting oral sex out there..

"I just gave Karen a rim job."
seriously?....who does that?

by keepinitclassy11 January 14, 2011

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Meech job

she sits on a can of snus (little pouches of dip).
she lets the reverse digestion happen, then a week later, she throws it all up on the dick. she then sucks it and lets the load happen.
aftwerwards, she eats virtually everything on the penis pallet.

It's been a week since that meech job and bob-the-trucker still can smell vomit in his crotch.

by PSHSstudent November 30, 2007

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Sleeping Bag-Job

Opposite of a Bag Job. Implying that the person in question has an attractive face, but with a very unattractive body, and so in order the sleep with the girl, a sleeping bag must be used to cover up the body and complete intercourse.

I'd fuck Erin, but she'd have to be a sleeping bag-job.

by ErinBagJob May 24, 2021

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Pussy Paint Job

A sexual act in which a female is riding ones face in a sitting position until dripping sweat & pouring cum, then keeps riding.

Last night I let Sandy give me a Pussy Paint Job & i almost drowned from my mouth full of so much cum & piss.

by Back Pack Jack April 28, 2020

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Poopy Rim Job

The poopy rim job, also known as the PRJ, is the act of giving someone a rimjob after they have just taken a shit.

Last night GM gave BJ a poopy rim job as a special anniversary present.

by Intergalactic All-Star May 30, 2012

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Tallahassee nut job

The art of a Tallahassee nut job has been the objective of all females since its invention in 2019. It conaists of a lady perferably a beutiful one with beutiful eyes a nice smile and a gorgeous set of double d's jacking you off then just pefore climax yelling "Tallahasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" and putting her finger up in the air before thrusting it into your asshole and continuing to thrust the shit put pf ypur asshole with her finger as you weep " Mr.Harlooooooooffffffff"

Jimmy: Ever heard of a Tallahassee nut job!

Jenny: Yeah I did it to my boyfriend last night

by Mr.Gustav May 31, 2018

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Forbidden Rim Job

It's like a normal Rim Job, but there's a twist. no one knows what that twist is though because it's forbidden.

Him: Can I get the Forbidden Rim Job?
Her: What's that?
Him: I don't know.

by oh mer gerd January 2, 2021

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