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that chicken slaps

That perfect mother fucken chicken.

Keaton- “Put some damn chicken in the oven. Whoops wrong chat

Gay baseball kids- “lol”

Keaton 5 min later- “Damn that chicken slaps.”

by Chicken slaps March 26, 2018


Seanaholic lemonade also penisless, it’s an alcoholic beverage famous in western ct for is delicious taste and intoxicating effect

Yo dude I had way to many slaps last night

Oooo I love slaps, they slap

by Chris Nicholson March 10, 2021


What Louis did to Niall

N-"oh what did you do that for?"

by Your Moms a hoe 101 September 9, 2023



A word to describe something so good, better than amazing

"The salad at Chick-fil-A fucking slaps"

by ColsonB. November 7, 2021


To have sexual intercouse

*In the dm's "Hey shawty, you tryna slap?"

"Yeah I'm down"

by REAL_NIBBA November 10, 2017


Sounds like a plan.

Friend, “Hey, want to meet for dinner at 8?”
Me, “SLAP”

by Rofu May 5, 2022


Slap is an alternative word for cool, awesome or radical

I had a 'SLAP' time last weekend, That food was 'SLAP'

by Quality Assuraaaah! June 11, 2021