That perfect mother fucken chicken.
Keaton- “Put some damn chicken in the oven. Whoops wrong chat”
Gay baseball kids- “lol”
Keaton 5 min later- “Damn that chicken slaps.”
Seanaholic lemonade also penisless, it’s an alcoholic beverage famous in western ct for is delicious taste and intoxicating effect
Yo dude I had way to many slaps last night
Oooo I love slaps, they slap
A word to describe something so good, better than amazing
"The salad at Chick-fil-A fucking slaps"
To have sexual intercouse
*In the dm's "Hey shawty, you tryna slap?"
"Yeah I'm down"
Slap is an alternative word for cool, awesome or radical
I had a 'SLAP' time last weekend, That food was 'SLAP'