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Cocaine bear

a badass bear that ate a whole fucking pound of cocaine 💀💀
The badass "cocaine bear"

Joe: bro is that the fucking cocaine bear?
Cb: roar
John: shit oh fucking sh-

by Isuckpussy🍼 September 25, 2023


A dark skinned woman that has a dick tattoo. Commonly packed with a fuck ton of STD's.

Person 1: Damn that girl lookin' fine as hell.

Person 2: Nah bro, I think she's a bugha-bear.

Person 1: Ah true bro, what a filthy nigger.

by Jew Sandwich August 1, 2021

turkish bear

a gay hairy fat turkish man,google it,you will be shocked,i warned you!

i just saw turkish bear porn,it was shocking

by TheUrbanBadger January 30, 2016

Lope Bear

(Lo)ve Ho(pe) Bear

A special person who gives you hope and love. who is synonymous to love and hope. he's the person who cares about me so much and fights for me even though he can leave at anytime. He's always in my heart and mind and i would do anything for him. he's the person that makes me laugh when the weather is grey and gives me the greatest present of all, his love. he's the guy i care for with all my heart and hope he knows he means everything to me. that i will always be with him no matter what comes our way. And his wishes will always be fulfilled by me. I will stand by always. I love him always... my lope bear.

Lope bear is so difficult to come across but when you do you will realize you can't live without him. he means everything to you.

by allenedgarpoe July 2, 2010

Rat in a Bear Trap

A situation you can easily get out of but decide to stay in regardless of the circumstances.

Dude, you better catch up on me with these brewskis cause I'm feeling like a rat in a bear trap right about now.

by The Maybe Man September 11, 2023

bear brand

a milk brand that makes u stronk like a big boy and is the best

Hey! How u stronk?
Cuz I drank bear brand milk it makes u stronk
Wow! I should drink it too!

by funny google person dictionary May 2, 2022

sungal bear

when you feel like a nodlefrom your ruca or "love" and theres not words to describe how you feel toward them, so its refered to a nick name pertaining to that person.

hey sungal bear what are you doin i love you.....
nick your my sungal bear for life and here it is for proof in black and white that monica, m0n$y,or mu-niga loves you and will ALWAYS be there for you no matter what.

by nick and monica August 26, 2008