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My Cows My Meat

“My Cows My Meat” refers to the ideology of one having ownership over the meat of his/her cows. This motto is not only terrible, but is also extremely unfunny. Any pathetic person who uses this figure of speech should be banished from society forever.

Kirk: “I swear it will be funny this time”
Sheen: “No it won’t”
Kirk: “My Cows My Me-“

by sandwichofchicken March 31, 2021

72👍 253👎

hop off my meat

Often used when a person is getting bothered and he wants to fuck off by saying "hop off my meat". Same as "get off my meat" but hop sounds more danker.

That one annoying friend: Hey what are you doing on your phone?
Bothered person: Bruh why you always following me and asking stupid ass questions. Hop off my meat bruh.
That one annoying friend: Chill bro sorry.

by hopoffmymeat February 18, 2016

10👍 2👎

off da meat rack

(Also, "off the meat rack") - Of a superlative quality

Etymology: A play-on-words of the phrase "off the meters".

Synonymous with: "off da books", "off da chain", "off da hook", "off da meters"

"Yo, the afterparty Q threw the other day was off the meat rack, son !!!"

by handle187 October 31, 2003

24👍 16👎

New Jersey Meat-Hook

The unusual method of inserting one's finger in the ass of your partner while screwing her, and feeling her cervix. This procedure is most effective from behind.

I was doing this bitch doggy style and gave her a New Jersey meat-hook.

by yoitsme May 28, 2004

34👍 26👎

neat like taco meat

Something too awesome to be just neat and just as tasty as taco meat.

Dude, that movie was "neat like taco meat".

by Mike Lightner April 14, 2006

24👍 17👎

Country-Fried Meat Head

Southerner that plays sports

After the Football game that country-fried meat head drank 24 beers

by John March 4, 2005

7👍 3👎

meat and two bean combo

A man's genitalia referring to his package and sack.

I hit her with the meat and two bean combo.

by SpokaneDeezy January 15, 2008

7👍 3👎