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Ushy Gushy Coffin Box

A gothic person's innuendo for vagina

Girlfriend: Do you want a taste a my Ushy Gushy Coffin Box?
Boyfriend: No thanks, im too dead inside.

by BigdaddySUS February 14, 2023

Your Mom's Box

The dank, smelly cavern that you came from. The parcel in which your mother keeps her vagina.

Dude #1: "Hey man, what's that smell?"
Dude #2: "Yeah it smells like rotting sea food or something."
Dude #3: "It must be your mom's box"

by emmaomao January 8, 2010

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oh god! whats in the box?

from the movie "seven" when the delivery guy delivers the box with the dudes wifes head

her head.

by niggasense February 27, 2005

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The fart box flamethrower

When a girls anus releases gas and then you inhale it and blow it out your mouth with a lighter in front and you create a flamethrower

Dude did you hear about that trick James did to Taylor at the party
No what did he do
He did the fart box flamethrower

by Harrycock69boobsupremeleaderΕ“ December 24, 2018

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Cereal Box Nudes

A word used to describe nudes and girl sends when she has no curves (boobs/ass)

Person 1:"Omg did u see Sadie's cereal box nudes?"

Person 2: "Why would I want to see that she has a body of a five year old."

by Person7504 August 26, 2017

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hobo hot boxing

The art of sitting indian style in a empty dumpster, preferably with 3 or 4 friends. Next you light a fire in the middle for warmth and close the lid to not only get the instant satisfaction of warmth, but it can also kill you due to smoke inhalation :)

"Me and Willie are goin' down behind Bob Evans to do some serious hobo hot boxing."

by The Phish Man April 18, 2009

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box of butt hair

Something so insane and disturbing that it has no defensible or rational explanation. Used as an object for comparison to someone, something, or some act by another person.

Did you see what Sally did? That bitch is crazier than a box of butt hair.

by anteefunkee January 14, 2009

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