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peanut butter

peanut butter is a food that you can eat. you can eat it on food or by it self. it is the best food. try it on a pickle.

girl: I love to eat peanut butter
boy: why?
girl: because it tastes good pickle
boy: your weird
girl: yep

by #cats May 3, 2019

Peanut butter

Defined to be summarized as a way to describe someone who is brain dead.

That person came out of surgery acting like peanut butter

by PeanuttButterr September 11, 2021

Peanut Butter

Attractive women ALWAYS stop at the peanut butter section. So when you see one in the store, you call peanut butter to signal a hot girl worth checking out. Can be used anywhere gorgeous women can be found.

Hey Trevor, check out the peanut butter selection down isle 7.

by ODG Old Dirty Grandpa July 23, 2017

Peanut Butter

When you make out and the tongue sounds like someone eating peanut butter.

Y'all making peanut butter?

by Katerina Hart July 15, 2018

Peanut butter

You use peanut butter to get pleasure by putting it on your penis/ vaginalarea and let your cat or dog lick/suck it off :) good luck out there

Peanut butter

by fionalmao September 21, 2019

Peanut Butter

Creamy or Crunchy?

If you had to think about it, you’re psycho. Even Jesus ate creamy nut.

Jesus: This peanut butter is so good bro
Sariah: Is it crunchy?
Jesus: Fym is it crunchy? Are you stupid?


by sexygoose November 22, 2019

Peanut Butter

The gayest group of words where you get Pea nut and that sweet creamy butter

Bro I just found out that peanut butter is rocking

by ended9r November 18, 2022