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Two O Tennie

2009 and then two O ten

Now that we move on from 2009 it will then be two O Tennie mate!

by propart September 16, 2009


Anachronym I just made up

M-essage your goddamn ex

"Given your current state of mind, the only thing I can tell you is B-O-R-E-D-O-M"

by Guimple October 8, 2021


It's what Jason says

Geez-o-pete said Jason

by Lyceeloufoo November 9, 2022

sand o vagina

bitch u got sand in your vagina and it burns

oh my i got sand o vaginaa

by obmyvaginaburns April 1, 2019

O J Clinton

Describing a campaign or prosecution so bent on showing the world how wicked a person is as to presume that termination justifies any means up to and including martyring... and then cry foul when it backfires.

Relax, Paul... with those O J Clinton tactics they'll never get a conviction!

by Zappin' Nap August 15, 2024

Steve-o disease

when you get ill but the only symptom is you sounding like Steve-o

he sounds like steve-o, he caught the steve-o disease

by bochetina November 1, 2022

c h a o s

A recurring joke in a Dynasty Warriors YTP series made by SnanS GaiiaG. Basically every character with a monologue with the word "chaos" will say it slowed down while their head expands. Pang DeeD is the only one that wants p e a c e instead.

I fight only for those who value c h a o s . - Zhao YuuY

by BlazeNinja22 December 15, 2024