Source Code

Mr. A and B the C of D

someone who is the coollest person i've ever met. the

A= Above
B= Beyond
C= Call
D= Duty

-dude did you see Mr. A and B the C of D?
-no man who is he?

by Mr. A and B the C of D January 28, 2010

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National Plan B Day

The day after Valentines Day (Feb 15), in which Planned Parenthood and many pharmacies, experience an acute spike in the sales of the Plan B pill (aka morning after pill) as a method of emergency contraception.

After a wonderful Valentines Day, Claire reluctantly found herself celebrating National Plan B Day with several other girls who were waiting in line at Planned Parenthood.

by Bzx77 February 14, 2011

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S-B Theory

Sperm Build-up Theory: A girl with a really nice ass, starts dating some guy who is clearly tagging her, and her ass gets much larger, while everything else stays proportionate.

Jessica follows the S-B theory to a tee! She used to be smokin', but since she started dating Mark her ass has become huge! Must be sperm build-up!

by JMSMD September 24, 2006

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Part of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning), but specifically are bisexual.

I am LG(B)TQ

by slweeb August 2, 2021

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Blood-type B

- The emoji, "πŸ…±".

- Sometimes used to censor the double G's in "nigga".

- One of the dank emojis.

That niπŸ…±πŸ…±a right there has a glock.
The two πŸ…±'s right there are the blood-type B's

by 21 Salvedge August 12, 2018

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shit thread lock and b&

The appropriate response to a forum/message board topic thread that is of no use to anything. It consists of no content worthy of reading, teal deers, and self pictures that make you want to throw acid in your eyes. Also, in general the OP is a giant faggot.

OP: "Hey guiz, post what Urban Dictionary Says about your name! Come on, it will be fun!"
Response: "Shit thread lock and b&"

by David D Davidson Jr. July 15, 2010

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Y u b & q

A small phrase said by Alyssa Edwards on season 5 of Rupaul’s Drag Race, in the Untucked lounge. It was during her stand off with other contestants, Coco Montrese and Jade Jolie. This is all leading up to the icon moment of β€œback rolls”.

β€œGirl y u b & q”

by Mell Lynnie September 8, 2022