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Urban Dictionary

A website devoted to defining words you never wanted to know about. Definitions range from basics to extremes you'll wish you never saw.

Guy 1: what's a cleaveland steamer .
Guy 2: Idk look on urban dictionary.

by Dank_swooce March 5, 2017

Urban Dictionary

A place originally designed for slang, but is now just a hub for unfriendly discussions about politics, sex, and unfunny memes/jokes

Urban Dictionary is hell.

by nlolhere June 9, 2020

Urban Dictionary

All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!

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Guy 1: Why did you copy and paste the entire Urban Dictionary submission page?

Guy 2: No idea.

by nlolhere May 28, 2020

urban dictionary

a dictionary with definitions made by dumbasses like me

did you post something on the urban dictionary! you dumbass

by Bokuroto May 30, 2017

Urban Dictionary

I wanted a definition.

Not 55 ways to have sex with a water bottle.

Me: *Vibing trying to figure out what air is*


Me: *Throws my phone*

Me: Urban Dictionary please- I wanna know what a shark is.

Dictionary: It's a way to Frick ur mum uwu hehehwn3mdns.snsmwme

by AAAAAAAAAAAAExceptsomeonestol- July 4, 2021

Urban Dictionary

noun: A situation that unexpectedly turns into an orgy where every bodily fluid is witnessed and sexual acts are performed as if the participants were playing sex dice and twister at the same time.

adj: unexpectedly and disturbingly sexual

Friend1: "Hey, sorry I couldn't make it to your movie night last night, how did it go?"
Friend2: "It was a real Urban Dictionary. I saw what I swear was santorum oozing from Jimmy's ass, but I couldn't tell because I got angry pirated before the previews even finished."

The biology class became increasingly Urban Dictionary as an orgy built up around the two kids who were munging with the pre-dissected fetal pigs.

by Chief O'Chuggabeer April 3, 2012

Urban Dictionary

This site. Like the one you're on right now. I don't know how else to explain this man.

You're literally using the Urban Dictionary right now.

by Lord Trash September 21, 2019