The name of GOT7’s second fandom. Almost close to saesangs (stalkers), they keep regular & even extra tabs on GOT7 rather than Twice. They are usually losers who haven’t touched grass in a long time & some may be mentally ill so be careful dealing with them.
Oh look, it’s a Once camping under a tweet praising GOT7 as usual.
Once(s) have arrived, fun’s over, let’s go.
Compound of MAGA supporters and maggots.
Trumpie(s): " Get those darn illegals outta here!!!"
logic users: "Oh great... its a MAGAt(s)."
2👍 56👎
Term used for snap chat which can be used meaning "streaks" and "story" or for short s●s
I just took a really great picture gonna post on s●s
The Rolling 20 Neighborhood Bloods (R20NHB) are a predominately African-American street gang in the West Adams community of South Los Angeles, California. During the 1950s and 60s there was a gang in this area called Blood Alley on Cordova Street near where the Santa Monica Freeway is today that was the predecessor neighborhood to the Rollin 20s Blood. In the early 1970s when black gangs were on the rise, the youth from this neighborhood continued the Blood identity from the previous generation, but it was not related to the Blood identity that grew in the 1970s. Some of the founders of the 20s are O/G Big Red, Al, & Tee Coleman.
"Aye what set you bang blood?"
"rolling 20's neighborhood bloods gang"
Take something of fake value like Roman colosseum or bit of metal, stick it in a wall in a canning jar. When you remove the jars take the air and be sure pump it out with a bike pump. Pump the air up the brownstarfish with a neato pussy stick in mouth,. When you fart next, the coin comes out. Your untold millions of value s can be jarred when you recycle it into the jar and seal it up.
Be sure to keep your receipt s
Grirl. I'm rich and into this astral.
Wannabe: Sista, you think too much. Not everything's about money. Show me some love. I wanna buy your jar farts.
You need a Value s musket loader hun. See here, like my outta pocket joypen for that. It's a Value s musket loader and it's got hot up coil.
Girl: Okey dokey doggy daddy.