Perhaps the best explanation as to who and what is on the internet. There are dumb mother fuckers who couldn't tell you what 7 plus 5 was without ten fingers and their feet in sight. There are dull people (Usually adults) who take everything too seriously and don't have any humour (In this context by copy paste-ing dictionary definitions onto words).There are the douches who think the entirety of the sight is for bragging and saying how often the have sex. There are the teens type 1:Repressed and angsty and teens type 2: OMG I CAN'T EVEN JUSTIN BEIBER MY QUEEN TYLER OAKLEY DANISNOTONFIRE AMAZINGPHIL DIL HOWLTER OMGOMGOGMOGMOMGOMGOMGK I CANNOT !!!!!1 , with the latter usually found in tumblr.There's the thug, who talks about weed and weed and weed and ....well, he never really seems to stop talking about weed. Then there's the 1%, the people who make funny definitions and aren't dicks and OMG I CAN'T EVEN JUSTIN BEIBER MY QUEEN TYLER OAKLEY DANISNOTONFIRE AMAZINGPHIL DIL HOWLTER OMGOMGOGMOGMOMGOMGOMGK!!!!!!1
But in the end, none of this matters, as 99% of it is inevitably porn and sexual terms involving shit.
A LOT of shit.
Guy 1:What does poontang mean?
Guy 2: Fuckin' Urban Dictionary that shit.
A sarcastic version of the Dictionary, very funny and has meaning for almost any word.
Guy 1: Hey, let's look on the Urban Dictionary!
Guy 2: Yeah!!!! I love The Urban Dictionary!, It's very sarcastic about the real dictionary! And it's FUNNY!
it means that you're banned from the dictionary, "ur-ban"
haha ur ban' from the urban dictionary, which this post wont become
The website where every normal word for some reason has something to do with jizzing, cumming, or semen
Example on Urban dictionary: The word hi means greeting someone and afterwards jizzing on the floor or something idk
A place for perverts, racists, trolls, and internet hermits to thrive.
Very rarely you will see a normal person here. Tread with care.
Urban dictionary is the best website in the world.
A hilarious online dictionary!!!
I was bored one night so i decided to look up my name on the internet, and this website came up up and it had a hilarious definition for my name, so i clicked on it and it happened to be URBAN DICTIONARY, and I was like dat be funniness, so i decided to make an account and start putting new words with definitions on the website because it is a dictionary and i wanted to show my friends the contribution i made to this website that is very popular at my school, so i did that and next thing I knew I was writing this really long sentence for this word that i was putting on the dictionary and as it turns out, i still am writing that really long sentence for this word, in fact, I've been working on this sentence for like 5 minutes strait and its really boring, but, there you go, please vote to get this word put on the dictionary because i wasted a lot of damn time trying to write this whole thing so be helpful and nice within your community written dictionary community, thanks and have a great day, note that this was just one really long sentence.
A website where you read the most fucked up definitions but are very funny and enjoyable to read
Omg! Urban Dictionary is so stupid but I love it! Dumb Ass funny web sites flubber