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dog water

ur not justin enough...

ur dog water

by andhuyahd May 4, 2021


dog water is a way of saying your trash at Fortnite and you are there you go your dog water your mad your dog water that's sad your dog water what that?????????????

you more dog water than my dog and the water he drinks.

by dog water beugle January 19, 2022

dog water

muffin's laptop

can you turn off your cam dog water is messing up

by Senpai Muffin March 14, 2021

Dog Water

This is used when someone is really bad.

Bruh your so dog water

by Fortnitegamerfromnorway April 12, 2021

Dog Water

1. (Adj)(Derogatory) Lacking in skill, abhorrent, disgusting, gross, trashy. May also be spelled as "dogwater". A term commonly associated with young players of the online multiplayer combat game "Fortnite", but can be used elsewhere.
The specific origin is unknown, apart from the closely related simile: "Smells like wet dog," which is used when deriding musty or unpleasant smells.

1. "My playing was Dog Water last round, I got killed almost immediately!"

2."I think that pool water has never been cleaned, I smell like absolute dog water after going for a swim."

by Broli Swoli December 9, 2023

Dog water

Something horrible.

You: Do you like this cup?
Me: No, it's dog water.

by IamNotTheScratcher12345 September 1, 2021

Dog Water

When you are actual trash at a video game and your friend need to insult you.

You are actually horrible at this game.

Brad: Bro you are actually dog water just uninstall this game
You: Bro chill it was one bad play

by advil.absence January 20, 2021