jarad penfold is the best person in the whole world, i love him so much. he gets all the ladies
gyal 1: omg his hair is so nice who’s that
gyal 2: that’s jarad penisfold, back off my man!
gyal 1: fym your man?? that’s our man!! i want him too
gyal 1 and gyal 2: Fighting noises
An underrated Hartford CT rap artist. An artist who completed multiple mixtapes such as;
*Why P in 2004
*On My General Shyt in 2010
*No Subliminal Shyt in 2013
*Taken in 2015
*Taken Vol.II in 2016
*Tak3n in 2017
*T4 in 2018.
In 14 years with music videos to attach the visual. Then Releasing his freshman album entitled Eig8t in 2019 pre-pandemic.
General P would definitely be considered an underrated rapper in Connecticut.
You are now the Master of Boredom, You wrote the QWERT keyboard combo diagonally and repeated it again with the shift button on. You've already grown young one, now, it's time to find more combos, I wish you great luck and strength.
Me: So you're bored?
You: Yeah, what should I do, I've already done all the QWERT combos
Me: There is more young one, try this one: "1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik9ol0p!QAZ@WSX#EDC$RFV%TGB^YHN&UJM*IK<(OL>)P:?_{"+}|"
You: Okay I'll try
Me: Good luck young one!
When you get shit on by a person who just ate a Sloppy Ryley P
Hey give me the Full Ryley P after you finish that Sloppy Ryley P
Occurs when you and your mate touch penises. Very romantic, a lot nicer than actual kissing. P-issing is the perfect thing to do on your first sussy date.
Vincent: "Hey Simon, can i p-iss you?"
Simon: "why, of course.." *unbuttons pants* "I love p-issing"
that one pussy who is changing my life.
"look at that nga bryson p."
"omg ik hes like totally changing my life, its tubular."