When your boredom is unfathomable and you manage to type the impossible combination and do 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/ forward and backward at the same time
Me: i'm bored i'm gonna go 1/q;apz02.wlsox93,ekdic84mrjfuv75nthgyb66byghtn57vufjrm48cidke,39xoslw.20zpa;q/1
This is quack definition 1, Other definitions: quack 2, quack 3 (hopefully they get accepted)
Definition: the sound of a duck, a.k.a when you child goes crazy quacking
I should have never brought Ava to the the pond, now she is quack 1
Boy 1 : Yooo , (real name) . ain't u kitajima.1?
(Real name) : I sure am.