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Leapng Brown-Eye

where you go to screw a girl but accidentally ram it in her ass and she jumps so high her head hits the ceiling fan and knocks it out of the ceiling and it drops on top of her and she gets up and runs out of the house bare ass naked holind her ass

I didnt know she was a leaping brown-eye or else i wouldnt have screwed her in the ass man that ruined my night and i have to pay for a new fan in my room

by punk4life March 31, 2005

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lazy eye sex

someone having sex with a lazy eye

joe had lazy eye sex with his girlfriend

by joe gorigo November 19, 2006

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birds eye viewed

getting a blowjob

( name comes from looking down at the girl since you have a birds eye view of the act happening.)

boy 1: dude, i just got birds eye viewed by that chick last night
boy 2: did she swallow?
boy 1: na it was like watching a Geyser from outerspace.

by brandonhallsucksdog September 26, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Red Eye

Much like a brown eye, you spread your buttcheeks over someone's face until they see your buttwhole, but with it being stretched to the point of turning red.

"Gave my friend a red eye the other day, now he has pink eye and made me pay for medicine."

by Pirate Jester January 5, 2009

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Crazy Eyes

E Money...Patterson aka you know who you are : )

I love my Crazy Eyes.

by sniggy December 9, 2006

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Arabian eye goggles

To place hairy balls over someone's face with a ball covering each eye.

Look he's asleep give him Arabian eye goggles.

by biglingo May 21, 2015

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Fries with your eyes

Staring at someone you find attractive in your rear view mirror while at the drive thru.

Bob and I were at the drive thru and I noticed he was gettin fries with his eyes. I then asked bob, "are you getting fries with your eyes man?" i wanted to see so i turned around and saw this beautiful blonde.

by Corey the Great February 26, 2009

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