A temporary lapse in judgement or common sense.
My friend had a total Halle-moment when she; smoked after her doctor told her to not because of a bronchitis diagnosis, Causing a near fatal asthma attack.
When a person with normal IQ levels experiences a brief moment of mental retardation. The term was "coined" in New York.
Fake ticket scalper: This offer will only stand for the next 60 seconds...
Tracy: But they are only $5!! The guy even TOLD me they aren't fake, etc. etc. etc.
Me: What the HELL is wrong with him?
You: Don't worry hes just having a disel moment.
Ugh, sorry, Brain Moment.
Used when a game made by Activision has a stupid game breaking bug
Activision is a bunch of dick bags that don't care who others feel but only care that their are making money because they could care less oh who their game is doing but how our wastes are doing have speeding 500 dollars oh another skin that was just copied and pasted the same pattern other and other again and called it a skin.
Not sure if you could tell but I hate them
Activision; Makes a gun that kills in 2 shots being a ttk of 0.5 seconds
Me; "Oh my gawd, thats such a Activision moment"
Whenever you have a really stupid moment; you do something that leaves another speechless with your amount of stupidity to the point where it’s considered schadenfreude
Dies in game
“I hope you have a merry Christmas you sack of turds”
Wolf moment
A colloquial expression developed from the movie Colonel Chabert. The phrase began when the inventors of the phrase became mesmerized with the French movie and began watching instead of performing there normal chores and duties. They lost a lot of productive time watching the movie and ended up making up their work the rest of the day. This expression refers to act of not doing what you are supposed to do and knowing that you will pay for it later.
I had a Chabert Moment when I watched T.V. instead of doing my homework.
When you give your partner a blumpkin (which is a blowjob whilst he is taking a dump) and remove it from the toilet to freeze it. Once it is frozen you then use it as a dildo and gradually let the poo melt in your anus so you can proceed to poop out his shit
my girlfriend is so crazy and wants to try do a melting moment with me