A protection order.
After you fucked me over with some stupid P Spawn!
When one decides to slap his girlfriend silly out of pure spite and anger, due to girlfriend not completing a task or completing a task incorrectly.
Jack was Hitting the Joshy P on his sister because she didn’t lube his butthole before she pegged him with the 12 inch strap on.
when something is not pushin p, so it is bad.
That show was so not p.
Taylor a girl that love potatoes, offten hangs around real people that arnt fake. Nice to everyone she meets. Doesnt shut up and only stops for a breath. Favourite colour yellow. Admired by everyone. Her best friend is extremly jelly of her, like most people. Stylish and drop dead gorgeous!
Taylor . P the girl next door.
During anal intercourse, whilst attempting to bury your member to the hilt, upon encountering the locals, you retreat slightly, making an effort to avoid contact again but may or may not be successful.
Last night, the wife and I were prone boning and I wound up playing Peek-a-Poo/p just before reaching the bottom...
An expression to let someone know that it’s good or it’s ok.
Do you want a piece of cake?
Nah ish p.
Sorry, I accidentally kicked you.
Ish p.