Someone who is characteristically cute, pure or innocent or even a childlike like person. Someone who makes few genuine mistakes that harm others and if so regrets them deeply.
"hey did you hear? Sarah started crying because she accidentally elbowed Lucy and felt really bad about it."
"Oh my god she's such a bean."
"Your cat is such a bean he fell asleep on the pillow next to my head"
A food that boomers use to be cool in the eyes of gen z
Boomer:Hey kid I’m cool beans
Gen z kid: ok boomer
Another word for mean. Used when ignoring someone
person 1: youre bean
person 2: I’ll play, chill
Beans refers to a SPECIFIC person who is always being the cutest potato ever. Usually with sass and attitude.
"Omg, is that her right there? The grumpy looking couch potato over there?"
"Yep, thats my beans"
A bean is a seed, but in the rapping game it is a drug called Ecstasy (MDMA), which heightens sensation.
I'm on the molly, I'm on the bean!
Someone (or something) you kinda just wanna pick up and protect for the rest of your life.
"Bro my sibling is a fucking bean if anything happened to them I don't think humanity would live to see what happens next"
The pads on cats paws that when you squish it makes their claws come out
The cat had such cute toe beans