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Meat Head

Someone who eats a ton of food is a fatass , and lifts every night

tanner tan is a meathead

by your biotch December 22, 2004

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hope off my meat

A saying that means to hop off someones back or to get out of someones business.

"Hey man hop off my meat before i kick your ass!"

by huh? October 10, 2004

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gotta beat my meat

The song made by my retarded friend at school sings when needs to masturbate

Oh shit! My eggroll is erect I gotta beat my meat!

by Wa Wa Waterboy December 30, 2017

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Heat-Seeking Meat Missile

(noun) another name for the male sex organ, the penis.

I ploughed his ass with my heat-seeking meat missile. There was cum everywhere.

by The_XY_Guy June 18, 2020

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Meat popsicle head

A person who has utterly missed the point of a statement or line from a movie. A person hopeless out of the know. Drawn from the movie the Fifth element the main character is questioned by authorities if he is human and he responds β€œNegative. I am a Meat popsicle.” Correctly this would have informed the police that he had been frozen and revived thus explained an apparent very long life. Over whelming this was taken to have been a cheeky comment to the officers.

β€œI don’t get that scene in Harry met Sally, how did he make her cum like that.” β€œ Ooo you’re a total meat popsicle head.”

by Dave Zed December 3, 2008

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off da meat rack

related to skateboarding, as something was cool, sick, insane, or just plain stylin'

That Tre flip was off da meat rack. Kenny Reed's style is like woah, he's definatly off da meat rack.

by Sir Stud-a-lot December 3, 2003

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Hot Piece of Arabian Meat

A term referring to an attraction to an Arabian Man. If you see a tall dark and handsome guy walk past, he's for sure A Hot Piece Of Arabian Meat

Aladdin walks past Girl 1 and 2 in a shady, Arabian streetmart.
Girl 1: "Whooo-ee! Just look at that FINE lookin' Disney Character!"
Girl 2: Gimme some of that hot piece of arabian meat! Mmm-mmm!!

by WinterMRodrigez for suure December 2, 2011

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