Any cylinder shaped object stuffed with dryer sheets and used to blow smoke thru to disguise the smell when smoking, usually made of makeshift materials like a cardboard roll and rubber bands. So named for the phrase "got the spirit" to confirm whenever the aforementioned contraption is used to get high on your favorite ganja
I made a "spirit stick" so I can smoke in my room without getting caught but my Mom found my stash anyway
The name given to the reason for certain objects, fads, quotes, or acts to influence people.
The vibrancy and uniqueness is The stick factor that influences youth to buy their products.
The gods most beautiful gift. It’s completely pointless. And 100% useless, but isn’t everything? If we can have an orange in the White House, we can have an orange on a stick!! Our orange daddy in the sky gave us this beautiful gift and we must cherish it.
Usually a Draco or AK47 styled gun. Designed to chop up the intended target.
Yo, go get the chop stick from manny.
A stick or chop sticks are two slang words for an Ak-47 assault rifle.
Man,Kimoni is out to hurt someone tonight,he's riding around with two fully loaded chop sticks.
When you hold your balls in-between your legs and then hold your dick in your hand. It forms a broomstick.
Sometimes I got to ride the broom stick when me and the boys play quidditch.