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Piss Kink

Something Dylan Leslie Gibson has

Dylan Leslie Gibson has a piss kink

Joseph: Dylan is is true that you have a piss kink
Dylan: yeah man piss is good

by Samuel Gross April 27, 2022

piss kink

something sharona, my friend has

sharona has a piss kink.

by sagegreenismyfav November 18, 2021

Piss Kink

Shreeya Seury has a piss kink..

piss kink is also shreeya

by mikeron December 23, 2021

Piss kink


"hey who has a piss kink"

by Not Hex Jr. August 30, 2021

Piss kink

When you're trying to jack off and accidently tangle your tubes in your dick and therefore are stuck with a piss kink.

Guy 1: I've been jacking my meat for an hour wheres the cum?
Guy 2: Oh I think you have a piss kink. You've been touching your dick for too long.
Guy 1: Well shit.

by bigbottledman January 22, 2022

1👍 1👎

Piss Kink

Something That Sawyer Has

Sawyer has a fat massive bigger than the universe piss kink!

by Sawyerspissinkysmouth November 8, 2021

Piss kink

something that me and dream was taken has😘

fans: do you have a piss kink

me and dream: yes definitely 🤤🤤

by thatsgnff on tiktok December 3, 2021