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meat is done. people are finished.

A rude remark made by rude people when someone tries to say they're done with something. Meant to convey that the person saying it is intelligent in some way, but only succeeds in making that person look impolite and pretentious. Incidentally, the supposed grammar rule this is based on is not accepted by any English usage guides.

Person 1: "I'm done with my food"

Person 2: "Meat is done. People are finished."

by Purple Carrot January 12, 2018

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new jersy meat hook

When a guy is screwing another guy or girl, he proceeds to stick his hand up his or her ass then grabs her tail bone. Was created at the University of New Jersy. Hence, New Jersy Meat Hook.

That bitch can no longer feel her toes because i snapped her tail bone last night applying the Jew Jersy Meat Hook.

by Bo Janngles August 31, 2003

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40 Year old meat

Used to describe something that is disturbingly out of place, or otherwise is taboo. It references the Jackson Burger.

Dude 1: Man, did you see that ride?

Dude 2: Screw that, Jackson, Pink is 40 year old meat.

by DifynYerWerl October 11, 2007

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My Cows My Meat

The phrase that pimps like to say to establish their territory in the pimp world. Cows referring to the hooker and meat referring to their clients.

*in a bar*

Pablo: So I see you also like to pimp as a side hustle
Diego: Yeah, whatsittoya
Pablo: I'm a pimp too. I'll tell you what, I'll pay you some thicc moolah if you let some of your hookers work for me
Diego: Hey look man, My Cows My Meat
Pablo: no u
Diego: NO U!

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 12, 2021

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Double meat beat down.

When two players in the game of halo simultaneously melee each other resulting in the death of both players.

(Player1) Oh man did you see that? (Player 2) What? (Player1) Its a Double meat beat down.

by Eppi dont! December 26, 2011

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full body meat suit

A full body meat suit is when insted of just toeing or fisting a girl or guy you fuck them soo hard you clime in side of the person and wear them as a suit.

I fisted britney so hard i climed in side of the girl and i wore her like a full body meat suit. Its all worm an squonky and squidgy.

by Ellzthecc June 17, 2017

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Skeet skeet beat my meat

Only used by true meme Lords as a way to communicate the masterbation

Skeet skeet beat my meat *whips*

by Urdadsgay February 23, 2019