On the 21st October, everyone is allowed to bully people with small hands.
"Hey you got very small Hands you dwarf."
"That's mean!"
"But it's National small hands day!"
on march 2, tell every 'nick' you hate him.
I hate you nick! (says me)
What???? (says nick)
HAHA it's National Hate Nick Day!!!! LOL (says me)
Feb. 19th is National NATHAN.RAY1 DAY. A Day Of Appreciation To The Man Who Informs Us About National Holidays
On September 23, everyone who loves weightlifting, will workout their arms and biceps.
National Weightlifting Day is the day of biceps and arms lifting.
November 23- Celebrate National Klondike Bar Day by eating your favorite Klondike Bar!
I'm eating a Heath Klondike Bar for National Klondike Bar Day!