the absolute worst combination of things in existence (dog + water). Something being dog water means its literally the worst it could possibly be.
Bro Jon's absolute dog water at chess
When your complete ass at something...
Mel: Have you seen twilight??
Bryan: yup, that shit is dog water
a slang term for a gamrer being "trash" at playing a certain game.
"Bro you are absolute dog water right now."
An insult used irritate players in competitive gaming. Usually used by children under 13, or toxic teenagers.
"Dog Water" Is repeated multiple times in a sentence.
Dog water Dog water Dog water 0 PR Dog water.
Dog water means your bad a a video game
Your dog water kid you have no earnings
Dog Water is the best way of saying “Your fucking shit at this. The term has evolved and can be said in almost any situation. “Ur dog water.” And to anybody reading this for some stupid fucking reason... ur dog water.