Source Code


"...Saying or phrase using to decribe somthing or somthing else..."



by Master Mack Dawg February 4, 2005

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Lord Quigglesworth B. McAddams

The McAddams Clan is one of the oldest clans in all of northern England. Their influence and power stretch from Oceania to the far side of Asia.

Lord Quigglesworth has become a legend in his own right. His monstrous thirst for Busch Light is the stuff of myth, and his loose bowels are whispered of in bars and brothels the world over. Often mistaken for an Asian when he becomes intoxicated, Lord Quigglesworth's only known weakness is massive amounts of whiskey. This leads to a mild skin rash, which only serves to annoy His Lordship.

The story of Lord Quigglesworth B. McAddams is in no way complete. This is only his background, as new chapters are added daily to the legend of this stellar individual.

Reis: Lord Quigglesworth B. McAddams was in all his regal glory last night.
Parker: Indeed. The Busch Light was flowing like wine, as was Lord Quiggleworth's bowels.
Reis: Many a giggly-goo was heard.

by BackdoorBanger January 18, 2010

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This Emoticon is a monkey that loves you

d(โ™ฅ.โ™ฅ)b d(<.<)b'^-He loves me

by tacobears January 15, 2015

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The only car foir those who dont care, what they are spending money on in the beginning, very reliable used and it saves money in the long.

I drive a B-M-dub-ya

by B-Rexxa Reynolds December 1, 2005

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Rush B Cyka Blyat

CSGO: Russians Rush B, if you play with Russian, you have to Rush B. They will say: Rush B, Cyka Blyat (Cyka Blyat is Russian, literally means "fuck bitch" (or smth lol, a swear word)

Dimitry: fat hambuger American Rush B cyka blyat or you will fucking die. Follow Russian.

by lil._.potato August 22, 2020

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take a nigga bitch.

*at a bar, hot girl walks in with her boyfriend*
guy 1: gaddayum she fine as fuck
guy 2: yeah but she got that 6'3" dude right behind her
guy 1: the fuck? T N B bro.
guy 2: what?
guy 1: T N B.
guy 2: what does that mean??
guy 1: take a nigga bitch.

by TNB. July 28, 2018

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Nut ass b*tch

To be stupid,

you f*in nut ass bitch! Look at these nut ass b*tchesZ!

by Melah August 8, 2003

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