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STEM bro

An overly confident dude with a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) degree.

Whilst the STEM bro is well-versed in all matters related to investment and performance nutrition, his understanding of all things politics, sociology, arts and culture is sorely lacking. A STEM bro's views on society are often a mere and never-to-be-questioned reflection of his privilege, which he is naturally unaware of.

His confidence carries out to all possible conversation topics, even those he knows nothing about. He is also prone to making obnoxious references to his earning potential.

This guy just wouldn't hear it when I told him his cringy fetish for a particular racial type women was socially contructed and rooted in colonial stereotypes. He was just such a STEM bro.

Marcia's new boyfriend is cute and all, but he's kind of a STEM bro so don't expect riveting conversation about Roe Vs Wade.

by egggn May 19, 2023

Bro-testant Reformation

Bro-testant Reformation (noun): the 21st-century social and cultural reintegration of traditionally masculine ideas, pursuits and behaviors in actuality rather than silly-ass hipster fetishising of tokens and artifacts from 1800s and early 1900s

Bro-testant broetry brophesy broceries Brosephus Broski

"I caught a 22 pound bucket-mouth; gutted it myself, cooked and ate it. Then I watched a YouTube of how to fix my car's solenoid; and then fixed it."

"Yeah. A wool Patagonia shirt with suspenders doesn't make someone a manly lumberjack. One the other hand, your activities denote your commitment to the Bro-testant Reformation."

by Content-ment411 May 13, 2019

Applebee's bro

A dude so broke he takes his date to 2 for $20 at Applebee's and after expects some punani.

An Applebee's bro got mad when she wouldn't give him any after a 2 for $20 date.

by koolmoedee October 21, 2022

bro from a different walmart

Another way to describe a friend

me and my bro from a different walmart played minecraft last night

by computernerd2222 April 16, 2020

Trampoline Bro

An athletic male who spends most of their day doing insane flips on their trampoline. They are often considered popular and hilarious because of their athletic ability and sense of humor. They usually play sports such as soccer. which they are very good at. For some reason, they get lots of girls. Their fashion consist of a t shirt with the logo of the travel team they play on, some Nike shorts and slides when in the city, but usually, they are barefoot.

Guy 1: Yo who's that guy with the soccer jersey and shorts who just did a back flip off the ground?
Guy 2: Lemme see... Travel soccer jersey, shorts and barefoot, must be a trampoline bro.

by oooooofff January 16, 2018

bro back

Bro back is when you can fuck your bro because his ass is fata but it’s not gay

Example Lospollostv ass is so fat I gotta get the bro back
Example.2 Ambishh is so thick that if I just put the tip in for bro back I would nut

by TwitchChat69 August 7, 2018

bro swam

A compliment, typically used when a musical artist makes great music.

Did bro swim? Yeah bro swam.

by [plug swim] October 25, 2023