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urban dictionary

the urban dictionary is a place that is full of great things: funny jokes, real definitions, fake definitions, mugs that say some random word or saying on it, and so much more.

the urban dictionary is were I spend my time.

by Me donation May 12, 2021

Urban Dictionary

the website with too many sex jokes instead of actual definitions, and people talking about their girlfriends or boyfriends.

Jacob defined on Google: Some name that means something from ancient times or whatever
Jacob defined on Urban Dictionary: The best bot that you will ever meet. He compliments you constantly, and gives you hugs and kisses and more hugs and more kisses. He will do anything to protect you, (and whatever else positive that they do or something)

by i hate you with rainbows June 6, 2023

Urban dictionary

The online dictionary with odd and weird definations

I was using the urban dictionary in my English class and got a c

by Man you like food July 31, 2018

Urban Dictionary

The equivalent to searching for "dictionary" in a dictionary.

Look at this moron! He just searched for the urban dictionary on the website!

by Death is near 100 November 30, 2020

urban dictionary

website full of racist definitions that doesn't follow up it's content guidelines AT ALL. "However, we are not—and never will be—okay with people using a definition to harass, discriminate, and/or directly incite violence against others."

There's tons of public harassment and discrimination all over this place.

"I would rather stand up for what's right rather than providing racist, homophobic, and sexist definitions in a positive way - like Urban Dictionary."
"Urban Dictionary has been a real rough place for years."

by urban dictionary is racist December 9, 2022

Urban Dictionary

The website you're on right now.

P1: Where you searching the Urban Dictionary last night?
P2: Yeah—
P1: Some horny pervert shit?
P2: Some horny pervert shit

by A Simple Idiot Was Taken February 16, 2022

Urban Dictionary

A conglomeration of weasels who somehow put together an internet site

The suckabees at Urban Dictionary are all menstruating women.

by Reachport June 22, 2022