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To have a 'nooner' or a little somethin-somethin in the afternoon.

My coworker "T" went out at lunch for a little pokey-poke

by Sgt Hulka September 8, 2008

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Down to Poke

down to f***, in facebook language.

liz:pokes justin*
justin: stop poking me! you damn cougar.
liz:i cant help it!
justin:to sam* shes down to poke!

by cougar.hunter May 20, 2010

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J poke

To penetrate the spincter of a chunky, dirty, emo girl with one's pogo (refer to definition of pogo)

I walked into the room and he was J pokin' 'er reaaaaal gooood. J poke to the max

by Jake Vila August 3, 2006

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poke the whiskers

when a man has sexual intercourse with a female

i went over linda's house and i poked the whiskers all night long

by Alejandro De Le Ghetto October 8, 2003

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A strange silly game credited to Johnny Conder, carried beyond the city limits by a girl named Apryl. Usually involves the smoking of marijuana, followed by Apryl jabbing her finger into your gut and saying "poke". This action is repeated until she finally exclaims "Pass the poke, man!". From there, everyone passes the poke around until collapsing into laughter or untill something else catches our attention.

"Poke." Jabs finger into Jack's gut.
"Poke." Repeat.
"Poke." Repeat.
"Dude...pass the poke."
Jack passes the poke.

by heroin hiroshima May 4, 2005

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Booty Poke

I'm done spooning!

I got back in bed and istead of spooning I rolled over and gave her the booty poke!

by Capt. B February 26, 2009

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poke ass

A person or thing that is extremely slow. Derived from the word pokey meaing slow.

That person was a complete poke ass responding to my question.

I dont want to ride on the fast track only on the poke ass track.

by JasonU38 May 18, 2006

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