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WoW loser

my boyfriend; spending more time on a ridiculous fantasy game than actually contributing to conversations, issues, and even sex.

I haven't been laid in days, because my boyfriend is a WoW loser.

by Cheebee32 March 31, 2012

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classic wow

classic world of warcraft. its worse than crack

classic wow man.... I'm back on that horse

by roythepowerful August 31, 2019

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One of the most hilarious and retarded spam e-mail companies to date. Their e-mails usually contain things such as enlarging your member, getting great mortgage rates, and losing weight.

From: Wow*offers
Subject: Gr0w yuOUR regionnn f i 11ve I ncheS l000nger!!

by Night Darker August 25, 2004

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An impressive, nerdy, and often useless mental or physical ability.


A term used to describe something that is nerdy and cool at the same time.

It is the accidental brainchild of Baroness Susan Greenfieldidiot, who, on one of her regular rants warning about the dangers of the internet on the brain, said that modern technology would result in a generation of people obsessed with 'yuck and wow'; this was mis-transcribed, and subsequently printed as 'yaka-wow'.

Its dual use as a noun or an adjective is similar to that of the irish word craic. It is also extremely phonologically pleasing as a phrase.

The yaka-wow is strong in you.

Being able to simultaneously apply two socks is very yaka-wow.

by yakaFT August 31, 2010

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sperm wow !

A Knock-off sham wow that you use right after you masturbate to get the sperm off the floor and every where else it is so your parents, brothers, sisters, etc. don't find any trace of sperm.

Damn i got sperm on the wall, good thing i have a sperm wow !

by Wickidy Wack Productions July 25, 2010

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wow cave

losing a friend to world of warcraft

yo' man, John is deep in the wow cave.

by dahondaboy October 26, 2010

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wow factor

An important aspect of experience design which can be applied in a variety of contexts and applications depending on the event concerned and the required outcome. In events, the "wow" factor refers to an impressive and impactful element of the design which is used by the designer to reinforce particular aspects of the attendant's experience, usually resulting in particular sensory stimulation (visual, auditory, etc) which can be used to facilitate memory formation and retention afterwards. Whilst popularly thought to require originality in creativity, the wow factor is usually produced using cues familiar to its receivers.

Bill: Wow, look at those fireworks dude, they are really special.

Ben: Wow, yeah dude. They really add the wow factor. Totally fucking unforgettable.

by The Gonzo Lecture March 5, 2010

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