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Wesley Pipes.

'My dick to your mouth, that's creation' - That Wes P is a lyrical genius, his music really speaks to me. Especially 'In Love with the Plug' ft. Ji$$le, Tejohn Anax, West Whoadie. Absolute gangstas.

by Wes P. November 9, 2021


Rachel and Elissa

The true mark of a genius is one who can wash away all prior knowledge, to make room for the birthing of something new.

by Hacate Sha Sha September 24, 2021


The professional Valorant player, punchToad is the literal definition of the word genius. His igl skills are unparalleled by any other pro

Hey look at punchToad, he's so smart, his game knowledge is unmatched. He's a genius

by Twaieway June 17, 2022


violet martin is one

violet martin is the smartest genius in the world

by brodyaciouslynn March 1, 2022


violet martin

Violet martin is the smartest genius in the world

by brodyaciouslynn March 1, 2022


Genius: a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect.

🚨only Addison is a genius🚨

You know who a genius is, Addison. 😌

by Qawsesrdtgyyhujijokokplmknjnjb January 30, 2022


Genius: a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect.

🚨only Addison is a genius🚨

You know who a genius is, Addison. 😌

by Qawsesrdtgyyhujijokokplmknjnjb January 30, 2022