Source Code


Scott Cote

Scott cote is a fat gimp

by FredTheNed February 22, 2023


a girl simp

your a gimp

by murgzmum rapper of all time August 6, 2020


a gay simp

Joe is a gimp for ditching his friends to be all smoochy and soft with his boyfriend

by chard679 November 10, 2020


You took a stock off of your opponent

Damn bro, you gimped me.

by ReeRyoko June 5, 2023


A tall person usually over six feet.
Most Irish people use it to describe their lanky mates.

Haha look at that gimp he’s basically a tree.

Stop being a gimp and do it.

Jesus lad tallest fucker in the room you are one big gimp.

by Couldn’t be more Irish July 14, 2018


Gimp means you lack common sense... more or less you and idiot.

I swear that girl Jimena is a Gimp

by Delbert Scott Martin April 30, 2019


Someone who works for / under a tyrant

I'll just have the gimp doing it

by Sirveejay March 6, 2017