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Nude pic Friday

Send nudes to ur crush and see if he likes it or her and see if he or she will send one back

Nude pic Friday

by Ben James October 5, 2018


Used to describe a person who, unfortunately, can usually be found making strange, exaggerated faces at any moment in time. The perfect type of friend for people who love taking embarrassing skype pictures.

I just got the BEST (most embarrassing) PICTURE OF YOU EVER! You are so skype-pic-able.

by abcrstlmnx September 4, 2011

Cool Pics Bro

A slang phrase used to describe horrible photos posted on the internet, mostly found on automotive forums. Due to major forums preventing honesty from being posted this is used to mask pure and utter hatred for what was posted.

Wow those are cool pics bro.

Those are DEFINITLEY cool pics bro.

by NemesisfromIA June 10, 2009

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Soapy tiddy pics?

Hey please send soapy tiddy pics!!!

Also ss this to send to people

I really like soapy tiddy pics?

by Soapy tiddy pics? January 5, 2021

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panty-dropper pic

A premeditated pose or picture taken of a man due to the possibilty of garnering female attention for a possible booty call in the near future. The photo generally makes the person look much more awesome or interesting than they really are.

"Im posting this awesome panty-dropper pic on myspace!"

by The Bay Area Stranger April 20, 2009

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Platonic Dick Pics

A dick pic that you send to someone who's just a friend, preferably whilst flaccid.

Me: "pdp4pbp ;)"
Friend: "what the hell does that mean?"
Me: "platonic dick pics for platonic boob pics of course!"

by superluigi407 March 9, 2015

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porters ass pics

An average broad with a small, petite, ass, but it appears larger in photos.

Person A: Bella, I'm horny... Can I have Porters ass pics?
Person B: No go ask her yourself.

by dixxx enourmous September 1, 2019

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