A little man who is fluid between ducks and geese. He is a good boy
Me: I love Albert!
Him: Squaaaak!
That strong type. That type of man to never back down and hold his own. That guy that'll stand up for his family and those closest to him. He's also got warm heart and loves to have meaningful experiences with those in his circle.
An Albert is unforgettable.
49ers for life kind of guy. A fabulous chef. Really likes researching random sometimes slightly useless things! Has killer fashion sense, a staple of his wardrobe being crocs 🐊. Will fight you if you bad mouth something he loves and cares about.
Person 1: did you hear about the guy Albert beat up last week?
Person 2: Yeah apparently he was talking shit about the 49ers.
the one who laughs at his jokes
albert: “what do u say when u kill 3 disabled children”
taliah: “cripple kill”
albert: “darn u stole my joke”
a few seconds later
albert: “my joke is so funny” “hahahahaha”
Albert is a Florida Roblox player who constantly trolls robloxians with admin commands and screeches every 5 seconds before the video starts. He's very chill and immature, however, his videos are hilarious.
Robloxian12: Hey, you know Albert, right?
Catty76: Ummm... who?
Robloxian12: Get the ###### ### ## my friends list.