An expression of support for someone, referencing Gimli in Lord of the Rings.
"I am going to write a strongly worded e-mail complaining about the withdrawal of Cheetoh Flavored Mountain Dew."
"You have my axe."
An individual who is so stupid that you could be forgiven for wondering whether they have any brains in their head at all. A total idiot, an imbecile someone who you can’t imagine how they are even functioning.
'You sir, are so stupid that I suspect that you do not have enough brains to tan your own hide'
why have one guy who treats you like shit and cheats on you when you can have 5 that do the same thing but better.
ex.) why have 1 when you can have 5 hoes
You have to get with a few ugly/average person before you can get with the best of the best most attractive ones
The term relates to the packing of a player on ultimate Fifa with adrian being a much worse rating then Alisson and Alisson being the best of the best.
“Hey man I kissed this really bad looking girl last night my game is soo off”
“Remember what I said bro you have to pack a few adrians before you get a alisson”
It what all stuck up corporals say to the ranks below them.
Person 1: My room is so messy, but it isn't a promotion course so I don't care
The Corporal: Have you ever been of a corporals course, because on corporals course you have to always have a clean room and you have to do it in 5 minutes.
You fucking failure.
Hym "Quit proselytizing for a religion you don't believe in so you don't have to get a real job. That's the real fear, isn't it? That I WILL be perfectly happy with a materialistic life. Your values... Your ethics... Your morality.... All rendered moot by the man who doesn't need your 'wisdom' or your God. That's why you're being deliberately obtuse. Because when I suceed, I won't need any of you."
Lyrics from the greatest song ever created, I’m not talking about the John Lewis version, but the original. On second thought, probably not the greatest song but in the top 3005.
"And if you have a minute why don’t we go…" sang the world as time paused in the aftermath of a new dawn