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He is an amazing person and can win anyone over. He is very attractive and amazing at sports like soccer and baseball. He matches with Kaleb and Ashton. "Hey did you see Ben and Kaleb they're hot as shit!" He is humble and is never involved in drama.

"Ben is sooooo hot"

by FHHHHHHYYUU March 20, 2019

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Usually weighs more but is very kind. Hates reading but once he gets in to a book he can't stop. Usually an introvert but makes a lot of friends, does a lot of stupid stuff with those friends. Lots of girls hate him and think he is stupid or don't like his sense of humour but he doesn't care because he knows that he still has a chance to meet the girl of his dreams. Other than that a genuinely nice & funny person.

"Ben is so nice he gave me his last pancake." "And he gave me a book that he had finished reading"

by Zor_Tex April 29, 2018

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goes great with people named Allison, and has brown hair and is usually very thin.

omg, Allison and ben look so cute together

by def.creator February 21, 2019

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The most solid of people. Will stick with you to the end before taking your shit and spitting in your face. You pathetic log.

Oi Ben that was my 50c.

Don't care mate gonna fuk yo bish

by SkyHawk1311 June 12, 2017

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Ben, such a funny goofy guy to hang around with. MAkes you laugh and can’t go a day without putting a huge smile on your ace. Most likely a cutie but can be very caring when his jokes and games are put aside. Best friend you could ever ask for.

Hope you don’t mind some dirty jokes and bad language but once u get past it u can’t live without him. Ps stop licking ur bird’s tongue...

Person 1: β€œWow my friend is so sweet”
Person 2: β€œLet me guess he’s a Ben? :)”
Person 1: β€œdefs is”

by Kiwiifruut44 April 6, 2019

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Bad at Fortnite

This Ben sucks

by Ossiecool October 16, 2018

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Ben is a pussy ass bitch white dude who never shaves and smells like cow shit.

"Yo who smells like that?"
"That's just Ben."

by yeetv2 May 8, 2020

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