Source Code

College Biscuit

When a group of fraternity inductees circle around a biscuit and the last one to ejaculate on it must eat it to join the frat.

The Donald loves eating college biscuits.

by P. P. October 20, 2016

College Bath

A college bath is practically spraying yourself with cologne in order to smell good to avoid taking a shower for days, weeks, and sometimes even months.

"Yo I'm so fucking tired, I smell like shit, and I haven't taken a shower I'm days. I don't feel like taking one either."

-"Hey dumbass, why don't you just take a college bath!

by TheOfficialAnthoneenee February 18, 2014

Loyola College

Small Jesuit school in Baltimore, MD. Known for its spacious dorms, fantastic culinary facilities, and a student body which looks like it walked out of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue (including the fine looking women).
Don't be fooled though, it is a very challenging school and has high academic standards.

Joe: There's that pimp Drew with his collar popped and flip flops, where's he goin to school?

Tal: Loyola College in Maryland.

Joe: Oh werd hes a smart kid huh? He's gonna get all the chicks down there too.

by NJLoyolaPimp August 30, 2005

312๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

College layup

When you slap the backboard after the ball leaves your hand.

Hey, wanna do some college layups and work on our hops?

by #1ABF July 17, 2018

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chanel College

Worlds most f**ked up school

wow he probably goes to Chanel College he is dumb enough

by Mrz Cameron July 31, 2018

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rivermount College

the only school to have ever, throughout all of history, to have a troll employed as the principal.

person 1- "dam... you see that troll?"
person 2 - "yeah that used to be the principle of Rivermount College"
person 1 - "for real? that's gotta be a first..."
person 2 - "yeah the one and only"

by amishiam July 15, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

college life

A term used by obnoxious college students (usually freshmen) to refer to the apparently unique lifestyle they are currently living. Very commonly used on Facebook, especially as a photo album title, usually containing numerous pictures of drunken bitches with case upon case of Keystone Light in the background.

Example #01:

Asshole #01- "Oh bra, I have like, a one page essay due tomorrow and I'm freaking out!"
Asshole #02- "That sucks! Welcome to the college life, man."

Example #02:

Slut #01- "So, like, last night, me and Slut #02 went to this party, and like, we got sooooo drunk, and then like, someone slipped us roofies, and I guess like, we got gang raped or something! I'm not sure, but my butthole hurts! Hehe!"
Slut #03- "Ahh. The college life."

by Li'l Skeet December 7, 2009

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