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Susan Collins

A woman who sells out other women for the sake of personal gain. A Susan Collins is spineless, without integrity or courage. A woman who is regarded as being subservient or excessively deferential to men.

Come on Sally don't be such a Susan Collins, rape culture is not a figment of our imagination.

by Feral Feminist October 8, 2018

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John collins is scottish slang for shitebag/ lady

Your a pure john collins

Or .. come back here stop been a big john collins

by Morehamheed1 July 31, 2019

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Griffin Collins

Griffin Collins is a senior at Lake Oswego High who nobody really likes. ALL of his friends are freshman and he hits on every freshman girl in the school. Griffin seems to get angry at the smallest things. Griffin is very protective of his crushes and will do many things to ensure that nobody else will talk to his crushes, most likely in fear of being exposed as a freshman predator or that someone would β€œsteal” them away from him. If you start talking to one of his many freshman crushes he will lie and spread rumors about you trying to get the freshman to stop talking to you in attempt to eliminate potential competition, he will even do this to his friends. Griffin has recently been calling himself Thad, and he also has freshman girls call him Thaddy (Thad+daddy) he thinks it’s a clever nickname, but really it makes him sound like a dumbass and pedophile. He has betray many of his friends and will most likely continue to do so. He has claimed that he is getting into Ohio State University, but his GPA is a 1.8, also to be noted he recently said he is not going to collage (which means he will most likely end up hitting on high school freshman girls for the rest of his life or until he is locked up for being a pedophile). He will most likely end up in jail for pedophilia or be a homeless person on the street if he stays on his current path. I strongly advise that you do not go near or associate yourself with him especially if you are a young girl.

Griffin Collins needs to grow up and get some friends his age

by XxUnknowxX March 7, 2018

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Thad Collins

Griffin Collins is a senior at Lake Oswego High. ALL of his friends are freshman and he hits on every freshman girl in the school. Griffin seems to get angry at the smallest things. Griffin is very protective of his crushes and will do many things to ensure that nobody else will talk to his crushes, most likely in fear of being exposed as a freshman predator or that someone would β€œsteal” them away from him. If you start talking to one of his many freshman crushes he will lie and spread rumors about you trying to get the freshman to stop talking to you in attempt to eliminate potential competition, he will even do this to his friends. Griffin has recently been calling himself Thad, and he also has freshman girls call him Thaddy (Thad+daddy) he thinks it’s a clever nickname, but really it makes him sound like a pedophile. He has betray many of his friends and will most likely continue to do so. He has claimed that he is getting into Ohio State University, but his GPA is a 1.8, also to be noted he recently said he is going to Penn State. He will most likely end up in jail for pedophilia if he stays on his current path. I strongly advise that you do not go near or associate yourself with him especially if you are a young girl.

Thad Collins needs to get friends his age

by XxUnknowxX March 16, 2018

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collin and ashton

Two distant strangers that met over time and fell madly in love with one another and can't live life without each other.

Collin and Ashton met at a dart tournament and their future was forever written for them to be together

by Thuglove June 20, 2017

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Cool Collins

Similar to a Cool Carl, the Cool Collins is the act of instant penetration with a frozen shard of urine that has fallen from a passing aircraft.

"I saw somebody standing in field near Heathrow with their ass in the air!"

"They must have been waiting for a Cool Collins, silly!"

"Oh yeah!"

by Human Fly August 25, 2008

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The Collins Curse

a curse that everyone you date turns gay/homosexual after you date them.

Cody: Lance whats going on buddy?
Lance: Angie broke up with me for a girl....
Cody: You must have The Collins Curse!

by /r/AyyMD - Kekmaster97 May 24, 2018

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