Ding a ling is usually a penis
MY Ding a ling is bigger than yours
The event in which your smartphone's Facebook messenger app makes a dinging sound causing you to check said message only to discover a conversation about anal sex. In that conversation, the word "ding" is now a reference to that event. Further, the use of the word "dong" as a reply to an anal dinging adds further hilarity as this is a reference to the male genitalia often used for the aforementioned anal sex.
"I was at work and got an anal ding. This brought a smile to my face."
kylan ding, is a modern day slang term, often used to refer to an extremely cool person.
"kylan ding is so cool!"
Vilis ding flong
Vili used his ding flong last night when he was watching Romeo and Juliet
Another term for giving it to a first timer (virgin)
Dude I virgin dinged last night brah.
The best squad you will ever find. Founders are yun_queezie, scooter_b0y, Jholland_41. This group of dangerous individuals begin on GTA5. The squad has grown since the beginning and now includes many other players. Follow them on twitch.
The kingoling dings are a dangerous gang on GTA5.
A bat that is flying into a metal object, making the sound 'ding!'
Did you see that ding bat? It was the loudest one to fly into that pole yet!
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