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true feminism

the idea of true equality between men and women, not just treating women better than men and calling it 'equal.'

women being held to the same expectations, consequences, etc. as men.

Suzie says women should be able to have an abortion without a man's decision, but thinks men should also be required to pay child support if the woman wants to keep her baby--again, regardless of the man's decision. Suzie's ideas are not true feminism.

by avoiceforpeople November 9, 2013

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False or fake feminism.

When Women act or say they are self sufficient and don't need Men for happiness. Also striving for equal rights and equal

Basically being independent from Men's help and becoming self sufficient, yet not dismissing the social perks. Which if they did, would make them truly self sufficient.

Note: I am NOT saying that Women have no social disadvantages and that Men have no social advantages.

Female: I'm not going to have sex right now, I don't want to. I should not be treated as an object because I am a Woman. I am going to be strong, I don't need any help from Men to be happy.

Male: Ok. I think that is good.

Female: Good, hold my bags and come shopping with me, and my birthday is coming up, buy me a gift. $500 minimum.

Male: Cut the Pseudo-Feminism crap.

by joe725 June 14, 2008

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feminism cringe

When a feminist says/does something so radical that your whole body shrivels up in an attempt to maintain homeostasis.

Feminist: "You're so cis gender! Take your privilege elsewhere!"

Dude: "Stop before you cause me to have a feminism cringe!"

by Jbizzly April 18, 2016

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Karen feminism

The faux-feminism popular amongst the likes of Kirsten Gillibrand. It's popular because it allows wealthy white women to throw their male relatives under the bus whilst sneaking out the back door of Privilege Mansion before the woke bombs hit.

That article in UnHerd about "The Sly Sexism of the OK Karen Meme" is peak Karen feminism.

by Dictionnaire Diabolique April 26, 2020

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A better way of achieving real equality

anti-feminism is the new feminism

by Great speaker October 7, 2017

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The belief that the advancement of modern feminism is only possible through control over society as a whole, rather than through ensuring the ability of women and men to make their own choices and distributing education and economic opportunities equally. This may include purposeful discrimination against men, creating a cultural acceptance of domestic abuse and violence against men, censorship of popular culture and intellectual, using the suffering of a scrapegoat as a sign of progress, and the demonetization of masculinity. This has not only lead to polarization, but has also unintentionally silenced those who are serious about gender equality, and has empowered social conservatives by creating a disenfranchised field of individuals who find that those on the right are the only ones who agree with them on what should be trivial issues.

The university student government was accused of fasciso-feminism .

by *** ******** February 26, 2017

Capitalist Feminism

Capitalist Feminism is an exclusive marketing scheme portrayed as a feminist inclusive movement. This rampant phenomenon of exclusion, is being peddled as inclusion for profit.

Through capitalist feminism our mission is the advancement of all women. We are a diverse community open to all, as long as you can afford an annual commitment of our 3k dollar membership fee.

by awomaninhistory December 2, 2018