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begonia field

the area located between the ball sack and the rectum hole

dudeee, Lauren totally licked my begonia field after I gave her an alabama hot pocket

by mybegoniafield February 14, 2010

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Field fucking

Where a couple runs onto a football field during a game usually at half time and has public sex on it.

Did you see John and Kathy field fucking?

by Deep blue 2012 June 22, 2010

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

field hockey

Some sport no one really knows about! girls run around in skirts trying to not get caught with their fouls! so much fun! Lets you feel free, especially when you hit the ball for a hard shot to the goal!

Tegan's bomb at field hockey!

by this is just my sport April 3, 2004

55πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž

Field Hockey

Field Hockey is the worst sport ever. You hit a lacrosse ball with some sticks that look like penises or cherry pipes. It is a direct rip off of hockey. I would rather watch WNBA than field hockey. I have more fun playing floor hockey in P.E. than thinking about floor hockey.

*having sex*
Normal person- Hay babe tell me more about yourself
Girl- Well I play field hockey
*Man pulls out and walks down the street to the bridge naked, then shoots himself in the head and falls in the water for having sex with a field hockey chick*

by Breezy@Blacjac May 31, 2019

13πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

mine field

Mine Field- (n.)- A room and/or large grouping of uggos duffs and/or grenades, with a complete lack of the normally accompanying hot friends.

"Dude I went to the bar last night. Supposedly it was ladies night, more like giant fat ass space slugs from Star Wars night, dude I walked into a mine field."

by Maverick and Goose October 18, 2006

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Kiara fields

A bitch who doesn’t know who to forgive

Girl : who’s Kiara fields

Me : A dumbass

by No dumbass ❀️ October 3, 2020

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fun field

An imaginary force field that repulses boredom and stupidity.

My younger cousin has been zapping people all day with her fun field thinking she's a Link Starbureiy clone.

by bored2deth September 4, 2010

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