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Still Free

the state of being free, always and forever.
still free can be a mindset, a way of life, or a hope for freedom. Can also be referred to as "stizzle frizzle"

Ray is Still Free

oh, omg that's so still free

by Blitz5 November 3, 2008

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Free as in Beer

Something that is costs nothing in the monetary sense. Used to differentiate from something classified as 'free' that has restrictions or fine print attached to it eg. freedom of speech or software licences

The beer at a party was free but I paid for it in the morning

by idlehands September 21, 2004

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Free Lunch

Used to refer to a *-free or catch free offer, the expression "there is no free lunch" sums it up.

fucktard: "This flyer says I can win a free Ipod!"

Figure.10: "There's no free lunch, butthole."

by Figure.10 June 27, 2009

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bling free

One who is without need of flashy things to draw attention to oneself or to make oneself feel as if they are important.

Keepin it REALLY real.

bliggy has been Bling Free since 1976.

by bliggy August 25, 2004

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sugar free

Without a significant other. Applies in both the short term and the long term. After a break-up, one is sugar free until they find another. One can also be deemed sugar free if they are out without their boyfriend/girlfriend for the evening. Though acceptable in use by both genders, a male's usage would generally cause him to be considered gay.

Short term: Girls, let's go out and get our drink on. I am sugar free tonight.

Long term: Gotta find me a man. Can't stay sugar free forever.

by Miike P. Grant, esq February 27, 2007

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free ballin

1.when its too hot outside to wear drawz so you just throw shorts on straight outta the shower.
2.a funny way to sing the song free fallin by tom petty

1.its 108 degrees outside today, well looks like ima go free ballin.
2."cuz im freeeeeeeeee, freee ballliin!"

by Th3M1ck August 30, 2007

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Free Soup

To have an all out fuck fest.

Hey man last night we had a free soup with my girlfriend

by wiiman111111111111111111111 January 28, 2010

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