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Front 40

The opposite of the back 40. The front of the building if you will.

Ya'll come up here to the front 40, I need to show you something.

by JennyFyre June 3, 2021


Exactly the same as rear ending, but in a frontal manner.

Last night a guy wasn't paying attention and ended up front-ending me.

by Ryan. cap January 7, 2019

Front stuff

The general term for any sexual acts performed at the front of the body instead of the back.

Basically the opposite to butt stuff.

"So I met this hottie last night at the club"
"Oh yeah, what'd you get up to?"
"Ah just some front stuff"

by TheCakeSnake May 6, 2016

front flossing

The act of only flossing the teeth that people will see. People who engage in this behavior are often suspect of not keeping other areas as clean as they should be.

Peter: I just came back from the dentist and she was pissed at me.
Mary: Why's that? You seem to take of your teeth. Your smile looks clean.
Peter: That's it. She knows I am only front flossing. It was embarrassing.
Mary: It should be! Take an extra minute out of your day! I bet you only wash your hands when people are around.
Peter: Sometimes I only use water when soap is available. Even after a poo. I'm a mess!

by von groovy June 15, 2017

front butt

The vagina on a woman!

Better watch out now. Keep fucking with me and ima tear me up some of that front butt

by Heywoodjublome March 5, 2016

front butt

The appearance of butt cheeks on the front of the body created when a fat person tucks their belly into their shorts, and the vertical seam pinches it down the middle. Not to be mistaken for a gunt or fupa.

She quit volleyball, and now she's getting a major case of front butt.

by CoffeeHutch July 3, 2020

Front Of The Boat

1) The moment in which a person is so emotionally overwhelmed by an event, that they believe they are the central focus of that precise moment, disregarding their surroundings and sometimes gesticulating wildly, akin to Rose standing with Jack at the ship's bow in the 1997 film "Titanic".

2) Acting like a spastic.

"Man, that guy at the gig last night where the tables are? Singing and waving his f**king arms about? He must have thought he was at the front of the boat. Jesus.

by SimonSaysDoThis July 21, 2013