The final clear coat that goes over nail polish.
Glossy top coat.
Simplynailogical's way of saying glossy top coat.
Cristine always applies a glossy taco on her nails after applying polish.
A glossy top coat associated with nail art. Started by SimplyNailLogical (Cristine) on YouTube.
"You know me, girl, I'm all about that glossy taco haha. Do me a favor and don't look that up on Urban Dictionary; that's NOT the definition I mean. Someone please update that!"
Simply Nailogical-ish for "Glossy Top Coat" (when referring to nail polish).
Cristine: "Now add a Glossy Taco, 'cause we're gonna add nail vinyls next!"
When you apply a glossy topcoat to your nailpolish, especially used after holo.
Term coined by Christine (Simply Nailogical) on youtube.
"And now all that is left is to apply the glossy taco"
Glossy Taco is Simplynailogiclish for Glossy Top coat. Originated by Christine aka Simply Nailogocal.
"Now, seal that in with a glossy taco."
"Put on a glossy taco 'cause we're gonna add nail vinals next."
A clear glossy nailpolish to put on your nails to make it shine like a bald man's head in light!
Christine uses glossy taco to make her nails shine.
Glossy nail top coat. #SimplyNailogical
"apply a thin layer of glossy taco cause we're using nail vinyls next!"