Always Ready. Always There.
Citizen Soldiers typically drill once a month and receive full tuition waived at New Hampshire State Schools. We're Doctors, Nurses, teachers, students, firefighters, police officers, state troopers, college professors, coaches, plumbers, contractors, business owners, journalists, etc. We're people who have important jobs in our communities who have decided that we ALSO want to stay fully qualified in a SECOND career to serve our country. We have given up our time with our families and time off from our civilian careers for training and drills. We somehow manage to do two things very successfully. And we think that's pretty "cool".
Dude, that New Hampshire Army National Guard soldier is literally getting paid to go to college. They must be their parents favorite child.
The terms are being changed because the definitions of the terms are being broadened and it's destroying people's lives. That and because you don't like being told "If I'm not attracted to minors then I'm not a pedophile." "If I didn't rape anyone I'm not a rapist."
Hym "The only thing you are 'a guard against' is 'having a deep understanding of topics.' If the configuration of personality traits between Males and Females is consistent (Which it is) then WHEN A MALE has a configuration of personality traits that is MORE CONSISTENT with the average female than it is with the average male, it isn't unreasonable for them to identify with females more than they do with males. So, the nomenclature... That was associated with females has changed to reflect that phenomenon. There is no denial of objective reality happening there. Maybe some suspension of disbelief when it come to the more abstract trans iterations. And I would imagine that they aren't calling it a mental disorder anymore because it isn't considered pathological. And it's interesting you bring up the Pedophiles because..."
Candy "If have to control everyone's behavior cus they're gonna fuck my kids! If I don't do this they are going to convince everyone that is fine to fuck my kids!"
Hym "Well, no, I would say that your kids are legally incompetent and therefore cannot consent if someone tried to convince me of that but they are already fucking your kids. I just saw and article like a month ago about another catholic priest. Fucking kids. Again. This wasn't a guard against that."
The Emporer of the Boiling Ises's right hand man from the show 'The Owl House'
The Golden Guard is so annoying
You're the Golden Guard aren't you
Guarded is very hot. Very sexy. Immesnely sexy. Dar sucks.
WHY IS Guarded (GuardedFarted) (GuardedRetarded) SO HOT.
Lifeguphobia, the fear of teenagers who scream, whistle at you and ruin your fun during the funnest time of the year ( fear of lifeguards )
Sally had lifeguphobia fear of life guards , so we had to go to a public pool
v. British term employed by aged royals when replacing their soiled Depends undergarments.
I say old chap. Must one stand to attention when watching the changing of the guard?
Only if the Queen or the Princess Royal is involved.
v. Upper class British term for applying a fresh condom.
I say. Last night at the orgy Andrew yelled that it was time for a changing of the guard. I thought it a wee bit tacky.
The command was tacky, or the condom?