arrogant people who try to find things that are different in order to stand out when the really just blend in to other "hipsters" they try to undermine things that a majority of people like whether or not that particular thing is wonderful or not
Population: wow we all really like such and such a singer because they actually produce wonderful music!
Hipster: I won't even listen to that because the rest of the population likes it... let me find someone no one listens to that might sound exactly the same as the singer the rest of the population likes.
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the people you find on tumblr
Girl: I just joined tumblr, now I want floral shorts and a crop top.
Girl 2: me too! we're so hipster.
Girl 1: shall we go take pictures and make a triangle sign with our hands?
Girl 2: and then lay of the floor on top of coffee tables?
Girl 1: yes, and upload them to tumblr and get tons of notes!
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A person who is usually a teenager to somebody in their 20s, and often going to college at places such as UC Davis and San Francisco State. They usually like "indie music" and alternative music, often like to ride fixies, and when something they enjoyed goes "in" then they get frustrated because they hate being apart of the mainstream. They think they're above everybody else because they're different
when it's really just ironic because they're belonging to a group by being a hipster in the first place, which defeats the purpose they have to not be mainstream.
They often shop at thrift stores, like bands like arcade fire, but they won an award so I guess they're not "cool" anymore because they're mainstream. They spend a ton of money to look like hobos basically from going to thrift stores.
They wear oldass clothes to look "trendy".
They are often found all over San Francisco.
Their music often defines them.
Basically, they are going out of their way just to look different because different=cool
"Angelica Mercedes is such a hipster. She purposely tries to be different to be cool, but its sad because they are so many Goddamn hipsters in this school that being a hipster is mainstream"
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the hipster mecca is in williamsburg brooklyn. it's a subculture of kids born in the 80's. it started with mutton chops & buddy holly glasses, but has now progressed progressed into trucker caps, pointy shoes, and the god awful rehash of the mullet.
typically, hipsters are "slumming it" on mommy & daddy's dime. a full blown hipster reduces himself by never wearing anti-perspirant & appearing to be poor. drink of choice is rheingold, or pabst blue ribbon beer.
here comes the frickin hipster brigade!
i'm not going there! it's full of hipsters!
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A real hipster doesn't have to necessarily take up the conventions mentioned in many of these definitions. A hipster doesn't give a damn and may have perfectly normal hair. The hallmark of a hipster is high cultural tolerance and a slight tendency towards intellectual arrogance. There's no such thing as a "cliquish" hipster: People who are like that are just as brain-dead as any other close-minded person. Usually well-informed and interesting people who have more to discuss than gossip, TV shows (many hipsters have a disdain for television), and housing prices (unless they're about to re-up their lease).
That guy thinks for himself and questions authority. Definitely appreciates the arts, literary as well as visual and musical. He's a hipster for sure.
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modern term for organized counter culture, ie. not really counter culture at all, just a manifestation of posers desperate for a purpose.
as a result of acting like a douche bag, mary adopted a hipster persona, hoping it would make her seem not like a worthless sack.
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A pretentious person who thinks s/he is cultured and often superior to others simply because s/he listens to indie music, watches art films, and drinks overly expensive coffee at coffee houses that are often crowded with other hipsters. Most often they possess an economically worthless degree in something like philosophy, liberal arts, or history that they earned at a junior college or satellite university. They waste most of their disposable income on albums, cigarettes, and/or going to crappy shows. They often follow issues surrounding liberal topics and are typically very liberal themselves, often to the point of being very narrow-minded (though they think they're the most open-minded people). They delude themselves to the point of thinking they're more refined than everyone else when they're really just pseudo-intellectuals who need to stop wearing used clothing and take showers more often.
That hipster in my creative writing class always criticizes my poems on technology. That $6 coffee he gets every morning must be rotting his brain.
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