Jesus on the cross. Jesus shower love to everyone by taking all of our sins away on the cross.
I chose to love and forgive my classmate.
7π 2π
When you care about someone so much that - you think about them over yourself, you miss them the moment they leave your line of sight, you would take a bullet for them without even thinking, they're right up there with food and oxygen on your list of things to survive, and in their eyes you see/feel comfort, happiness, and trust, and you know they see/feel the same in your eyes.
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1. A cruel joke that's been played on humanity since time in memoriam.
2. Nothing worth living for.
If love is meant to prevail, then why do so many ways in which to destroy it exist.
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When teenagers feel they aren't receiving the same affection from their parents as another sibling is. When in fact they are ignorant.
True Not-love has the same feeling as a brick being smashed into ones face.
Ignorant Girl: My parents don't love me, so I drink and smoke!
Friend: Really? Are you Not-loved?
Ignorant Girl: Yes....
Friend: Then this shouldn't hurt at all!*Uses brick to smash face*
Both go to the E.R.
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What 90% of all songs throughout history have been written about.
Bob: What was the name of that love song we listened to on the radio yesterday...?
Jerry: Which one? There's billions.
57π 36π
Love... chances are you've heard this world spoken many times. You could have heard it around you, in a song, in a movie, or perhaps you've said it or have had it said to you. The chances also are that this world may not have held much meaning. Love could be such a strong word, but the fact remains that it's been said so many times it's almost hard to determine when it's actually meant. If said to someone who's not related and a potential 'significant other', this word can be dangerous. Oftentimes it's used as a trick, to get something out of another person. However, there's always one time, one glimmer in the dark, when someone speaks it and it holds the true meaning. Have you ever seen an old couple argue, and then moments later talk on like nothing happened? That's love. They're so comfortable with each other they can handle it. Have you ever seen a young girl, perhaps 10, say something to the extent of, "I love my boyfriend, we've been dating for a week and every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach!"? That's NOT love. That's something else, something I've yet to understand.
Love is a truly great feeling, if you're lucky enough to truly feel it. It's like a roller-coaster, only it involves your mental being also. It's truly indescribable, though I know that love knows no age. I also know that yes, it does hurt when it's over. Not all love lasts forever... sometimes it's too young to withstand distance, or even the corrosion of time. Of all the things I've learned in school... the one thing I'm the most certain of is something they could never teach in a classroom. Love is most certainly worth the ride, even when it ends. Never regret something that once made you smile, and hold fast to the memories, not the emotions.
Love is said way too often, but a mother and her child, or an old couple... those are two perfect examples. Love can belong to family and friends too, you know. Not just someone who you 'like'.
26π 14π
a word that has lost all its meaning in the past decade.
what was previously used as a word expressed after months of dating and when a person realized they couldnt live without the other, is now what horny 13 year olds say to eachother after talking on myspace for about 3 days.
How to determine if the guy you like is completely bullshitting when he says he loves you:
-theres evidence he tells every girl he talks to he loves them.
-He says "i love you" then asks you to flash for him
-Tells you he will love you if you strip for him.
-chances are, 99.9 precent of the time that guy doesnt mean shit by the word love, and "i love you" can be translated to wow your hot, and your here, and even though i dont actually give a shit about you as a person and your my 2nd,3rd,4th,5th, etc. choice for a girl ill tell you i love you anyways cuz then maybe i can get in yr pantss!!!!=D
boy: rita, if you let me feel yr boobs ill love you forever i promise!!!
rita: wow ive known yu for like 2 days and just cuz yuve felt my tits doesnt mean you can love me, but whutever go for it i love you toooo!!!=D
queerness right there ^^^
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