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chair wedgie

A wedgie where the victim's underwear are pulled up over the back of the chair, leaving them sitting in a painful wedgie.

I'm about to give this nerd a massive chair wedgie

by Nerdymike July 8, 2023

bi chair

How bisexual people sit with a weird slouched knee-high crossed legged position. Its fucking weird but hell its comfortable.

Human one:


Human two:


Human one:

your so gay man

Human two:

why thank you I love my bi chair

Human one:

How the hell do you do that

Human two:
Practice hun practice *sips the tea*

by Gaybabyinatrenchcoat November 19, 2019

Gaming Chair

Just a really really op chair.

Normal Person: HeS HaCkInG oR uSiNg AiM bOt Or SoMeThInG
Smart person: Nah, He just has a really good gaming chair.

by deware February 20, 2023

1👍 2👎

Aaron’s chair

A chair with a dildo on it.

I got Aaron’s chair for my birthday. Pretty excited.

by TextbookSucky August 7, 2021

Two Chair

Def 1. A person who is so large that they could easily occupy two chairs due to the size of their butt.

Def 2. One who cannot comfortably (or struggles to) sit on a chair because of their size.

Note: Depending on the fatness of the person, this term can be adapted to 3 chair, 4 chair, or 5 chair. Anything after 5 chair the joke becomes stupid.

"Hey man, check out that Two Chair on your right."

"Wow, that's more like a 2.5 Chair."

"Yea, definitely your team."

by Unparallel February 20, 2012

Lawn chair

When you fall and you fold up over your face.

Rob Dyrdek: Thats what you call the lawn chair when you fold over your facelike that.

Kid falling-

Texas slut: Man, that guy just did a lawn chair!

SoCal skank: That was gnarly!

by socal skank August 19, 2011

18👍 11👎

fair chair

The stamped metal chairs (sometimes padded), usually of a puke-brown or dull gray color, with a seat that folds up that you often encounter en masse at public fairs and other gatherings, outdoor weddings, sit-down concerts, church auditoriums, and so forth. Said chairs are designed to be stackable and often come on large racks. Notorious for getting skin-searingly hot if left exposed in sunlight for any length of time.

I went to a concert this summer and nearly burnt my legs on one of those fair chairs!

by Matthiasfw November 8, 2007

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